Attales Family Dinners

Our First Attales Family Dinner

Attales first family dinner held Dec. 5, 2019

At the end of last year, two teachers proposed a bold and unique idea. We have Attales Family Meetings and now we have our Attales Family Lunch but these teachers had something even bigger in mind. They wanted to have an "Attales Family Dinner" where a group of teachers would each invite 5-7 students to have dinner with them at night in our school. Staff would supply the food, drinks, and desert.

The idea was to "feed the good wolf" and to reinforce that family atmosphere that we are trying to create at the Attales Middle School. But more than that, these teachers wanted to let our students know that this is their school family...our "Attales Family". We take care of each other and there are people here who care about them. The hope is that before a student leaves our Attales Middle School, that they would have a chance to attend an Attales Family Dinner at some point.

As the 2019-20 school year started, these teachers then recruited other teachers to join their bold initiative through their "20% Time" group. Students received official invitations from their teachers. They were required to dress nice and put away their cell phones for the night while we talk, share, and break bread together as a true Attales Family. Each table would have a centerpiece created by the teachers, conversation starters to get students and staff talking with one another, and some type of game (board game, card game, etc.) to be played during desert just to have a little family fun.

Thanks to the efforts of many of our staff and the support our outstanding PTO, on Thursday, Dec. 5 we held our first ever "Attales Family Dinner."

This event far exceeded expectations. What happened in our STEAM lab Thursday night was nothing short of remarkable and transformative.

Together, our students and staff were able to share an experience that they will remember for a lifetime. Simply put, this was a special night for our Attales Family. It was also a reminder to every staff member that was a part of it of why we got into education in the first place...TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE...and we did that Thursday night.

Experiences like these are a testament to the outstanding and caring staff that we have as well as the quality of students with which we are blessed. It is just another reason why Attales Middle School is such a special place. This quote about Family sums it all up:

Family isn't always blood.

It's the people in your life who want you in theirs.

The ones you accept you for who you are.

The ones who would do anything to see you smile,

and the ones who love you no matter what

-Attales Family-

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